
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Lunch on Saturday at Cafe Rio

I Feel Good

I feel good...  I started trying to watch my diet a bit more this week and although my success was mixed it was definitely better than usual.  At the same time I started working out fairly fiendishly this week.  A light day was 30 minutes, a heavy day 90 minutes, I mean, actually sweating and stuff   :)

I also got about 9 hours of sleep last night - not straight through mind you.  I slept from 1:00 - 6:00 and then from 7:30 - 11:30 - the kids are at a birthday party with Debbie and Connor is at work so I've really got nowhere to go and have been hanging around the house, riding the bike, listening to tunes, etc.

Anyway, feeling good...

Connor Friday Night

Guster - Satellite

This is my favorite song of the moment, really dig it...

Megan is Flexible

Friday, July 23, 2010

Alex and Cleo

Geeky Stuff

I installed Office 2007 on my work laptop this week - what a big jump it is from 2003 to 2007.  I love Outlook and Word, I can do some really cool things and the best thing is I'm guessing that my productivity increased by 15-20% with just implementing the software alone.

Nobody builds better time management and other systems than me so it's cool to have software that isn't seven to eight years old to work with.

Date Night

Note to Self: Just because it is date night doesn't mean that you have to go to a $200 a head restaurant and stuff yourself with seven courses.

Even so, had a fantastic date night tonight with Debbie.  We had dinner at Maestro's Seafood in Newport Beach and watched the sun set over the Pacific before taking a drive south on the PCH.  Afterwards we went to David's house to visit my friend Eric who is in town and then home to the kiddies...

Debbie is ready for our date